
Ring-placements! v1.1

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Are you tired of the same, shiny golden rings you see throughout all sorts of locations in SRB2 across the multiple modding realms that play the same DSITEMUP.lmp sound? Don't feel like going to Pipe Towers for the coins? Lucky for you, I have an answer for that! Well uhh, multiple, I mean. Introducing...
What does this do, exactly?
These are simple reskins of the rings you've all known to love and collect throughout the many years SRB2 has been in development (and still is, just take a look at CEZ2), and what do we have to overwrite our shiny donuts?
- Candy corn! Since Halloween's pretty close!
- NES Mario coins!
- SM64 coins and stars!
- Burgers!
- Genesis rings!
- BeepBox coins!
(!nuf rof) !sgnir esreveR -
- And hopefully more bundled in the future!

These reskins are free to use for whatever project you may have, such as custom characters, level packs, gamemodes, so on and so forth!
I was gonna include more ring-placements but I've kind of lost the patience to keep this labeled "under development" and I've kinda burnt myself out with juggling this mod, art, and personal things a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit, so I'm just releasing this as it is and will have more of these reskins out as time goes on.
Let me know if you want to see more ring-placements, and I'll see what I can make with 13 frames of ring and 9 frames of ring sparkles! (Symmetry fanboys are probably screaming right now o.o")

-----Technical Data-----
8 .pk3, bundled into one .zip for your convenience.
Reskins affect: Thing type 300; Ring
- MyInstants
- BeepBox
- TheMushroomKingdom.net
- Super Mario Wiki
- The Spriter's Resource
- The Sounds Resource
-----Software used-----
- Aseprite
- Dark Audacity + dBlue crusher plugin
(long overdue) Gamebanana Mirror:
  • srb20007.png
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  • srb20006.png
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  • srb20002.png
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  • srb20001.png
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  • srb20000.png
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First release
Last update
4.75 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest reviews

BDBGaming Alt
  • BDBGaming Alt
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: v1.1
Great. If this is still having updates-ish, could you perhaps add pac pellets or sideways rings?
  • ☆Axel☆
  • 4.00 star(s)
  • Version: v1
Good mod, it would be great if the rings from both Sonic 3, Mania, the GG/MS games rings, Rayman's Lums and the fruits from Crash Bandicoot were added with an appropriate size.
  • Shoebuckler69
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: v1
Truly a HAMBUGR moment. Also, you might wanna add candy canes, since it was christmas. Other than that, nice job!
Oh yeah, candy canes would be a nice addition. I'll be sure to add that to the next update of the mod! Thx for the suggestion!
  • pompom454
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: v1
Candy corn? Candy corn as rings? How creative!