New member
yes i did to see whats in the files using SLADEyou datamined the mod, right?
yes i did to see whats in the files using SLADEyou datamined the mod, right?
yep! they were in a folder called SRB2STF.Oooh
Like the SRB2STF?
why would you do that?yes i did to see whats in the files using SLADE
Moving back to 1.2.03 because is infected with a virus.
This means Demo 3 Knuckles has to be redone.
How is there a virus?SonikkuBoy updated The Legacy Army. with a new update entry:
DO NOT download version
Read the rest of this update entry...
You don't want a virus right?
You kidding me Demo 3 Knuckles broke your pc. Alrightmy pc had a virus and broke, soooo im not taking risks with the latest version having a virus
my computer broke, but i’ll tryCan you make the download seperate for each character?
That's a false positive. Only one antivirus software detected it. Others didn't.There's still virus problem when i scanned recent version.
Oh! okay I only use Virustotal for detecting it, you're collected on that one.That's a false positive. Only one antivirus software detected it. Others didn't.