Orsland 2021

Orsland 2021 3.1 musfix

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This is an UNOFFICIAL update to the Orsland 2021 which just fixes MusicSlot deprecation issue.
First of all, a massive shoutout to rominebloxovich0 who started porting this pack and did probably most of the work.

Let's start with a bit of history. In January 2013 I released a pack called Orsland, which contained maps I made when I was 11-13 years old, and it really showed. Nevertheless, quickly after the release of the initial version, Eddie20, TS Dude (now WellDoneSnake) and A Cat joined the project, and their work would be featured in the next release of the pack.

In late December 2013, Orsland 2014 was released (Cut me some slack, by then EA Sports had released their 2014 titles too), with updated maps and some new ones! Rainforest rampage, Mine Madness and Space Show were adeed and Cool Castle was made from scratch.

Now, more than 7 years later, romineblox contacted me to help me port the pack to 2.2. WellDoneSnake also joined our efforts and finalized his Rainforest Rampage Zone.

The single player campaign contains 16 maps in 6 different zones. There are also 7 custom retro special stages, SP stage hub and an unlockable extra level. Each campaign map also has 2.0-style emblems for Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, with 2.2-style record attack emblems in addition.

WellDoneSnake: Rainforest Rampage 1, 2 and 3, start room of Space Show 2, help with porting and testing, and improving Rainforest Rampage for the port.
Eddie20: Mine Madness boss fight, single player hub.
A Cat: Rainforest Rampage 3 boss fight.
romineblox0: He made this port happen. Also fixing broken level design, modernizing aesthetics. Record attack emblems, emblem hints as well as some new hidden emblems, ton of testing, ideas and feedback...
MIDIMan: Retro Bosses
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  • Cool
Reactions: HazeX2
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