I Can't Compile My "SRB2 2.2 in 2.1" in CMake Using the Wiki as a Reference



Well-known member
If you're going to help, :chaohi:thank you, if you're not going to help, :chaohi:thank you too
Well, I was wanting to make srb2 2.2 run on 2.1, but I couldn't do it with mods, so I wanted to compile srb2 to make my srb2 2.2 on 2.1,
I did everything the wiki asked to compile my srb2 2.2 on 2.1 in cmake and I couldn't do it because the wiki doesn't specify what i (or you) do in this part:
Captura de tela 2024 12 09 082127

I chose "use default native compilers" and it gave this error here:
Captura de tela 2024 12 09 082909

Can someone help me,

I Used CMake In Version "3.31.2", I will be waiting for your beautiful reply