
I will soon create those characters for SRB2. Not Whisper, Tangle and Surge because there are aready created.
Dfkff4p a05807fd e0d2 4590 96b1 743cde303017
So you've done nothing really but COMPILE these pieces and claimed this stuff to be your own.
I will just create Shard and other characters.
Bro I was not stealing I was just going to create Shard the Metal Sonic.
This has been a whole circus lmao no actual work (it’s me yawshi from MB but I somehow got logged out my account but it doesn’t matter anyways bc I was gonna leave lol) these might be some good sprites bro might steal so here’s a gif of it:
Get trolled stealer lmao
IMG 3429
Anyways is there any actual progress on this mod or even a pk3? Or is he just posting random sprites from the MB?
I got banned form MB because I forgot to read rules. I wonder if I could be unbanned from MB.
I will just enter my another acount and this time I will read the rules and follow the rules.