- Read the Submission Rules before posting otherwise the mod may be rejected if it doesn't comply with these rules. (Updated February 10, 2023)
- I'm aware of the current Submission Rules
Decided to make my own 2.2 levels compilation (like some Port Pack Remastered for example), because I don't really like re-enter SRB2 over and over to play exactly some levels from some level pack.
So yeah, here's full list of which levels I was added (with authors ofc):
Here's some screenshots:
That's it for now. Please note that I can change/remove levels at my discretion.
So yeah, here's full list of which levels I was added (with authors ofc):
- Toffer Tor 1 - RoyKirbs
- Rustic Templar - MK.exe
- Wild West - Dead
- (BOSS) Egg Hopper - from "Chaos Domain" Map Pack
- Foliage Furnace 1 - Othius and Kanna
- Botanic Space 1 - DeltaSanic
- Botanic Space 2 - DeltaSanic
- (BOSS) Egg Bomber - from "The CyberDime Realm (Virtual Simplicity)" Map Pack
- Tarnish Ward - Princess Plushima
- Iron Dominion - MK.exe
- Frozen Fissure - Garrean
- (BOSS) Whiteflower Zone - from "Sunset Over Chaos" "Boss Rush"-like Level Pack.
- Lucid Landscape - Othius
- Digital DeLuche - RoyKirbs
- Command Facility - Twins'R'Okay
- (BOSS) Egg Canyon - from "Destructive Illusion" Map Pack
- Caustic Crater - Seaballer
- Bricked Busted - Mikhael Blur (yeah, it's me, and yeah, that's the same ver. of level from my level pack)
- Fractured Facility - Jadoinka
- (BOSS) Deep Sewer - from "Sunset Over Chaos" "Boss Rush"-like Level Pack.
- Lunar Satellite - GomaTheMascar, Evertone and Othius
- Pipe Kingdom 1 - Blue Spring Team
- Pipe Kingdom 2 - Blue Spring Team
- (BOSS) Fire Breath - from "Chaos Domain" Map Pack
- Snow Valley - Seaballer
- Close Corners - Dead
- Enby Echoes - RoyKirbs
- (BOSS) Cacolantern - from "The CyberDime Realm (Virtual Simplicity)" Map Pack
- Gate Garden - Ruberjig
- Azure Paradise - MK.exe
- Galactic Facility - Mondongo
- (BOSS) Invasion - JABSphere94
- (As Bonus) Dawn Sandfall 1 - Mikhael Blur
Here's some screenshots:
That's it for now. Please note that I can change/remove levels at my discretion.